This project was a lot of fun to do. I made this example to use with 4th grade. Start by finding the center of the paper and drawing as many lines as you would like through the center point. Then in each triangle you draw curves alternating the curves up or down all the way around. Offset the curves a little bit so that they look like folds in a fabric would be hiding the line as it continues around the curve. Choose 2 colors of colored pencil. I chose to use complimentary colors.

Start with one triangle and color the space closest to the center lightly. The next space up is left white and repeat the pattern until you get to the top of the triangle. Go back to the center and shade the edges of the triangles darker than the center slowly fading in as you go.

Repeat with each triangle as you go around alternating colors. I mounted it on black paper to provide a little more contrast and make the colors pop.

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